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[9001764.] كود البحث : 9001764 - 2017/11/26
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Effective Microorganisms (EM) Mitigate the Effect of Wastewater on Phaseolus vulgaris L. during the Flowering Stage /
تخصص البحث : Basic Sciences
  Mansoura Journal of Environmental Sciences - Egypt JOESE / Vol.46 No. 2 - June2017
  Samia A. Haroun - مؤلف رئيسي
  Amr M. Mowafy
  Magdy M. El-shazly
  Mottia A. Sheir
Effective microorganisms
Phaseolus vulgaris
Growth parameters
Water resources are one of the most worldwide problems and wastewater represents
a challenge from the environmental aspects. The aim of this study is to elucidate the
role of effective microorganisms (EM) on alleviating the effect of wastewater on the
growth and metabolism of Phaseolus vulgaris plants. The data recorded at the flowering
stage of Phaseolus vulgaris growth indicated that the growth parameters (the shoot
length, number of nods, leaf area, the shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, moister
content, leaf area ratio relative growth rate, net assimilation rat), photosynthetic pigments
(chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, total chlorophylls (a+b), chlorophyll
a/b and consequently total pigment), carbohydrates fractions ( total soluble sugars, polysaccharides
and total carbohydrates), heavy metals accumulation (cadmium, lead, copper),
showed a general significant and non significant decreased at concentrations 50%
&100% of wastewater (El-Serw and El-Tawela drains) with and without EM respectively.
Meanwhile, protein and elements contents (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium),
showed in general a non significant increase at concentration 50% &100% of wastewater
with and without EM of the tested drains. The determined plant growth regulators
(gibberellins, cytokinins and total auxins), generally decreased significantly while, abscisic
acid generally increased significantly by wastewater (El-Serw and El-Tawela
drains) at concentrations of 50% and 100% with and without EM, of the two used
drains. It is observable that the response in the represented parameters in the presence
of EM was not as such in its absence, i.e. the presence of EM along with wastewater for
irrigation led to nullify partially the harmful effect on these parameters of Phaseolus
vulgaris plant.
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