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[9001765.] كود البحث : 9001765 - 2017/11/26
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Vegetation-Soil Relationship Associated with Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori. Population in Egypt /
تخصص البحث : Basic Sciences
  Mansoura Journal of Environmental Sciences - Egypt JOESE / Vol.46 No. 2 - June2017
  Maimona, A. Kurd - مؤلف رئيسي
  Ahmed, A. El-Khouly
  Ramadan, A. Shawky
  Nessrien, M. Hamadallah
Moringa peregrina
South Sinai
Red Sea coastal desert
The vegetation analysis and species distribution at the present study, emphasizing
that the environmental factors has an important effect on the plant communities. About
69 species belonging to 56 genera related to 27 families were observed in the studied
localities, distributed as follow: South Sinai was represented by one location namely:
Feiran Oasis, while the Red Sea coastal desert was represented by three locations namely:
Shaieb El-Banat Mountain, El-Qusier Wadis and Hanquf Mountain. The mentioned
localities dominated by M. peregrina. The floristic analysis recognized that, the most
characteristic family was Asteraceae represented by 10 species (14.5%), followed by
Fabaceae (8 species = 11.59%). The life forms obtained that; Chamaephytes 26 species
(37.7%), followed by Therophytes 25 species (36.2%). Phanerophytes represented by
11 species (15.9%) of the flora were the most frequent, indicating a typical desert lifeform
spectrum. Chorological analysis revealed the Mono-regional elements contain (40
species = 58%) of the total number of species. The Biregional elements contain 26 species
(37.7%). The Pluriregional elements are the poorly category distinguished in the
studied localities contain 3 species = (4.3%). After application of the TWINSPAN, 7
vegetation groups (I-VII) were represented the studied localities, all of them are dominated
by M. peregrina, while the application of (CCA-biplot) indicates significant associations
between the floristic composition of the studied area and the edaphic factors
such as gravels, electrical conductivity, pH, calcium carbonate, cations and anions, also
the altitude was most effective factor on the distribution of M. peregrina and the associated
species in the studied localities.
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